On 1 July 2018 entered into force the modification of Act V of 2006 on Companies Registration and Winding-up Proceedings amending the rules of winding-up, especially the simplified procedure, the statutory supervisory procedures and also makes possible to file with the court application for the registration of changes prior to the effective date.
Preliminary request for the registration of changes
The request for registration of a (future) change can be submitted in advance so even before the effective date of change. Nevertheless, the preliminary request for registration of future company change cannot be submitted within more than 30 days prior to the date of change.
Executives without right of representation
It is also mandatory to register those company executives who do not have right of representation for the company. This amendment concerns in particular companies where the management is constituted by a board of directors where not all directors have right of representation for the company.
Legal supervisory procedure
Any person claiming to have a legal interest in starting a legal supervisory procedure against a company may only start a legal supervisory procedure in its own name as applicant therefore no name application is not possible.
Winding-up, simplified winding-up procedure
Any company form (this including private limited companies (in Hungarian “Zrt”) and limited liability companies (in Hungarian “Kft.”) may choose to terminate itself by simplified winding-up procedure, provided that is not subject to mandatory audit. In the case of simplified winding-up, no administrator is required to be appointed, the administrator’s duties are performed by the company’s executives (i.e. managing directors). The simplified winding-up procedure shall be at first reported to the Hungary Tax Authority who shall automatically inform the company court that shall publish a notice thereof in the Company Gazette.