Intellectual Property
Our Firm successfully represents Clients in the protection of their intellectual property, including the protection of their copyrighted works in Hungary and abroad.
We have extensive experience in negotiating the terms and conditions of know-how, copyright and sui generis database licensing agreements. Our lawyers have been successful in a number of disputes concerning the unlawful copying of commercial website content or the unlawful use of databases.
We make international and Hungarian announcements, make speeches or act in cases.
Our Firm has represented Clients in EU and WIPO trademark registration and infringement matters, as well as in domain registration and domain name protection proceedings.
- Our Law Firm was one of the first to develop a legal strategy for the introduction of mobile payment services, a new area combining IT and telecommunications, whereby commercial, IT development and licensing agreements were concluded between mobile network operators and system providers, enabling mobile subscribers to use their mobile phones for payment purposes.
- We represent film production companies and act as legal representatives in film contracts, as well as in copyright or performer agreements with contributing authors, and have also drafted a number of license agreements, including broadcasting and distribution agreements.
- We currently manage hundreds of trademarks on behalf of our clients.