
Corporate law and M&A

CLVPartners© provides a full range of legal services in corporate law and M&A transactions. We have significant experience in M&A, restructuring, demergers and mergers, the formation of new companies and have conducted full due diligence on a number of companies.

In addition, our office handles the incorporation of new companies and day-to-day corporate legal representation includes the legal review of company management proposals, the drafting of internal regulations and legal representation in registration procedures.

We typically support and represent companies in their day-to-day operations, including company formation, registration with the Registry Court (including registration of branches and commercial agencies), change of corporate form, restructuring of capital structure, resolving undercapitalisation issues, change of ownership structure, liquidation and court dissolution.


We have represented our Clients in a number of international transactions worth millions of Euros. Our Clients are well known pharmaceutical and FMCG, temporary employment or other major international companies: 


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