On 29 April 2021, by Gov. Decree No. 203/2021. (IV. 29.) (hereinafter: “Gov. Decree”) the Hungarian Government has made it possible for those with immunity against the new coronavirus to travel abroad and return to the country without being subject to epidemiological travel restrictions. The Gov. Decree entered into effect on the day it was announced, on 29 April 2021 at 11 p.m.
On 29 April 2021, by Gov. Decree No. 203/2021. (IV. 29.) (hereinafter: “Gov. Decree”) the Hungarian Government has made it possible for those with immunity against the new coronavirus to travel abroad and return to the country without being subject to epidemiological travel restrictions. The Gov. Decree entered into effect on the day it was announced, on 29 April 2021 at 11 p.m.
Exemption from travel restrictions was not previously part of the third phase of lifting restriction, however, as we have indicated, further regulation was expected on the issue.
The change will exempt those who:
- have an immunity certificate issued in Hungary, in accordance with Gov. Decree No. 60/2021 (II. 12.) on the certification of immunity against the coronavirus.
- have a immunity certificate issued in a country with which Hungary has concluded an agreement on the recognition of immunity. At the present, Hungary has such an agreement with Serbia, Montenegro, Slovenia and Bahrein.
In the case of countries with which Hungary has not concluded an agreement, the person entering cannot be exempted from travel restrictions on the grounds of immunity, regardless of whether he or she has been vaccinated.
For the sake of clarity, currently Slovenia is the only country in the European Union Member State with an agreement.
The rules of business purpose travel have not changed
Should you have further questions feel free to contact us.