
Extension of protective measures in Hungary

Extension of protective measures applicable during the period of state of emergency

I. According to the Government Decree 27/2021. (I. 29.), the Government has once again declared a state of emergency in the entire territory of Hungary from 8 February 2021, which is expected to last until 23 May 2021 according to the Act I of 2021 on the Prevention of the Coronavirus Pandemic, which entered into force 22 February 2021. During this period, the Government may decide on additional extraordinary measures by decree. 

II. The Government decreed on the extension of protective measures applicable during the state of emergency by Government Decree 80/2021. (II. 22.). Under the Decree, the emergency measures are expected to remain in force until 23 May 2021.

Please note, that depending on the change of the epidemic situation, the state of emergency may be extended by the Government or re-announced at a later date, additional restrictions may be introduced, or certain restrictions may be maintained even after the state of emergency.

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